Carry On

Yesterday was hard. I keep thinking I’ve grieved the losses of right now enough. That my night wakings and nightmares will cease. But yesterday I woke up from a nightmare of watching a secret Baccalaureate mass happening, seeing the graduates walk down the center aisle with glee. And we weren’t invited even though the graduates […]

Run to the Sea

I saw a neighbor dad explaining to his daughter how the rain water goes into the sewer and travels to be cleaned at the plant by Discovery Park before it’s released to Puget Sound and suddenly I couldn’t breathe. The dad looked sheepishly at me, almost embarrassed by his talk, and all I could hear […]

I draw the bath

I draw the bath   by Nancy Schatz Alton “I am the patient gardener of the dry and weedy garden… I am the stone step, the latch, and the working hinge…” -Jane Kenyon   Abby prefers the nearly dead orchid to an easy succulent. Me, I’ll take the hens & chicks every time — captivated by […]


Orange by Nancy Schatz Alton “I am lonely for myself.” -Crysta Casey   All along I was not alone—I was with myself walking — making conversation — waiting for someone to fill me up yet here I was: orange center right in my belly red heart, green chest, blue throat, an indigo cloud that took […]

Seasons of Love

Years after you are done with me I learn everyone is done with each other In due time I can’t start a poem with the conclusion I mean it’s only Monday and we have an entire week to live through Comings and goings, endings that aren’t endings Because we find a new breath that will […]

Departure + Arrival

I’m home & I’m alone My mind plans & texts My pictures speak I hang the picture of Chris & David above my desk My husband as a child: his joyful smile arrives above my desk His brother whom I hardly know stares at the camera He’s tall and thin, his jeans speak of the […]


The air is still The tree outside my window: still slanted I greet the day with my red pen I practice writing bearing witness to my clumsy anxiety while our country swells with misdeeds If I can stop myself mid-misdeed & apologize correct my acts, turn to love will it matter? Will being careful with […]