Restless creatures by Nancy Schatz Alton
So long I love you
Long I love you
We love & love & love
We leave
I meet your spark
I spark you spark
We spark
We love in the moment between moments
It was only a moment
It was a year
Or years
Or 90 minutes
Within a frame of time
That frame
Those sparks
This restless creature rested within you
Your spark
The drum & pace & meter
Our song was something
My breath reached across
& in & down
Until it met yours
Matched your breath
We were an aria
Do you remember
The way the night lit her constellations
For us?
How we listened to our girls sing together
How we hold that between us
We always are each other’s
You & I
And still we reach into this grand universe
For more
More singing
Underneath these stars
More love
So long I love you
Long I love you