Sing It by Nancy Schatz Alton
We are still young.
Our amazement still plays like a favorite song on the radio.
It’s hard to hold our awe with all the bulletins coming in:
beeps, alarms, no more rotary dial sounds for us.
We are still young
holding our young
making new laps
to hold what cannot be held.
I hold the picture
I try to take
in the dressing room:
blue dress highlighting your beauty.
You are young young
your hair glows
like the best unicorn
& a river we ride.
I don’t want to make sense
I want to hold my youth
like a river that
never runs dry.
I hold you
all limbs & love
you hold me
all softness & age.
We are still young:
aching yet joyful
holding what cannot be held
listening for the door to open & slam shut.
We never tire of the noise
of our own children
coming & going
pausing & being
with us & without us.
We were all young together
We are still young
in our love: loving love.