Want by Nancy Schatz Alton
Every part of me hurts from wanting
From making myself rise daily
To see about this wanting
I’m done tamping myself down
You see we’re painting
The dining room half-red/half pleasing white
A marriage of just enough mayonnaise to let the want scream
I want my home to signal you
Whoosh you into color
Slap you happy
Shock your veins awake
Until what you want can be heard
For miles
And by miles I mean we’ll break toxic capitalism into pieces
The men who work before dawn/past dusk
Will learn to read their children in the light
They’ll understand quiet
The way it’s better to not speak
When time gives you herself
You just lay your voice box before her
Until she offers you enough sleep
In the fire hot sunlight
Your paste blisters
Your skin falls
Want makes a home of your days that stretch before you
Your new hide soft and supple
An apt place for your children to rest.