Dish Duty

I keep going back to how doing the dishes makes me feel

warm, alive, full of purpose & moving forward, my placement: correct.

Give me the colon: exact directions to save me from worry

A dirty kitchen to clean, one task after another until I forget destiny.


Warm, alive, full of purpose & moving forward, my placement: correct.

The way the hours disappeared into the care & keeping of you

Our kitchen always a disarray, so many tasks with your face first

My new life confusing yet straightforward; your face as expansive as the ocean


Every hour’s purpose ticked into the care & keeping of you

Now your sunlight appears for an hour then scatters: the door shuts behind you

My new life confusing & not straightforward. Your face is still my ocean

A story as old as time doesn’t mean this story isn’t wholly mine


Your sunlight carries me backward & forward; my own door hangs by loose hinges

So I do the dishes & let the water carry me into the now

My story new enough that I feel like a stranger in the same old house

I keep moving forward & doing the dishes makes me feel O.K.





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