My heart wants what it wants.
On summer mornings, it purrs in the light from the living room window. Can’t these long days go on forever? The ones where we walk home as the light wanes and the flower color begins to pop thanks to the dark slowing spreading into the sky.
Still, my heart is far away, too, residing at my eldest daughter’s camp. How glad this heart is that I had my own camp experience during the summer I turned 16. I know the trill of the alarm clock, how I didn’t mind waking early because at camp I was my most confident self. The older counselors liked me and said it. They called me “Schatzie” with so much affection. They made a point of saying my energy energized them. It was something to be 16 and celebrated. I learned there was so much life away from the narrow halls of my high school. So I picture some of that magic leaning into her. Can magic time travel from my own 16th summer into her 16th summer? I think it can.
My heart. It wants these summer mornings so it can expand and grow into whatever comes next. Ah, yes, heart, I am here with you and all is well.