I’ve decided to jump on the November bandwagon and blog everyday. The thing I love about blogging is it’s random. Random thoughts that are not about perfection. Writing for work is about getting every word right, placing facts and quotes in the right order and giving good information (told in a clever way) to your readers.
Blogging? It’s about my brain, which is a collage and spurts out random thoughts at too-fast-a-speed. When I think about people I love who process more slowly, I hear them telling me to just stop. Stop with the spewing. But blogging asks me to spew. Writing on my blog every day means I will practice my writing in a public way while having fun spewing what’s spinning around in my brain.
What spins around in my brain are the blogs I read (Cup of Joe: I love you). Wait, don’t forget: A First Sip on Happiness, and A Design So Vast with this quote on the world:
The world is beautiful and dangerous,
and joyful and sad,
and ungrateful and giving,
and full of so, so many things.
The world is new and it is old.
It is big and it is small.
The world is fierce and it is kind,
and we, every one of us, are in it.
-Mark Twain, The Purloining of Prince Oleomargarine
But mostly today I’m thinking about my hands, and a quote I placed in a story about how to help your kids with anxiety. The (kind) clinical psychologist Chris McCurry told me he often tells his clients to find their hands. “Oh, there are my hands. What are you supposed to be doing with your hands at this moment? That’s right, I do have hands and they’re supposed to be doing something right now. And that “something” is most often useful and OK,” said Chris.
Why am I thinking about my hands? Well, partly because McCurry tells his clients this to get them out of ruminating about the past or worrying about the future. Om Shanti, Shanti folks, Om. I mean, really, try chanting “Om” and see if it doesn’t change the moment. Better yet, do what Chris says and find your hands and empty the dishwasher or find your car keys and drive to the ocean. Or be like me and get busy on writing your next piece for work.
See you tomorrow!
I’m so glad these words spoke to you as they did to me. Beautiful, aren’t they? xo
So beautiful! Thanks for stopping by!