Years after you are done with me
I learn everyone is done with each other
In due time
I can’t start a poem with the conclusion
I mean it’s only Monday and we have an entire week to live through
Comings and goings, endings that aren’t endings
Because we find a new breath that will carry us
Into beginning again with each other
This relationship fragile and built on repetition
And surprise
We are not leaving each other
Maybe I leave unworkable relationships late due to constant amazement
At how people work
When people leave me
I give too much credit to their leaving
Call my story boring, untenable, unlovable
Forgetting I leave all the time
I turn inward to see what I need
It’s not so different than choosing a new tea to love
As fall arrives
It’s why I taped that Brené Brown quote where I can see it
Just because someone isn’t willing or able to love us
Doesn’t mean we are unlovable
I walk through my days searching for moments to love
The hummingbird, the five sea otters, the way my girl
Walks back into the fray to try again at communication
The evening I learn to tie a fly between the tasks of living
Each moment fragile as we fly through this life
Loving and unloving then loving each other again.